Are you ready for the opt in era? It’s time for a branded content stragegy.
Take a quick look at your marketing plan. Does it include anything that isn’t an interruption for your customer? A piece of mail they don’t want, a billboard obscuring their view of the countryside, or, the worst sin of all, an interruption in their favorite Thursday night drama. This may have been business as usual yesterday but today the customer is in control. You need a branded content strategy yesterday.
You probably already know that print media is suffering. People are consuming their news reading media on the internet now. Radio is also suffering thanks to iPods and various internet based platforms like Podcast, Pandora, and Spotify. Why would your customers listen to music on a commercial radio station when their are so many better alternatives? The same transformation is happening with all media – especially TV. Viewers are opting in or opting out of your messages. Are you ready with an engaging brand story and a branded content strategy?
Want to discuss your plans for branded content video in the coming year with us. Just click here.