Professional Production. Leaner. Meaner.
Fifteen years ago I rolled up to my first agency shoot, as a copywriter, and there were five semis, even a truck dedicated to breakfast burritos. You may recognize this scenario today if you’re working with pros who are stuck in yesterday’s technology. But let me assure you, it’s not necessary on a professional production today unless you’re shooting an action movie. You’re welcome to call me on this.
Today, a camera weighs less, moves faster, and uses less light but it does require a lot more brains. Yet unfortunately, no camera can tell a story without the right crew behind it.
Now with a small bright crew and talented storytellers, you can accomplish what it took a small army to do a decade ago. A few pelican cases are needed for what was carried in a camera truck. A one ton grip truck can move all the lighting a grip equipment required for most interior shooting of non-action drama. Sure, your star may still require his own Winnebago but that’s not technology’s fault.
Want to see what you can accomplish with a small budget these days, give our professional production team a call and we’ll be happy to discuss your options.