Producing Exceptional
What is exceptional? As far a film and TV production, something like Game of Thrones comes to mind first for most people. It’s truly an amazing series. It’s got everything – amazing writing, acting, practical effects and computer generated imagery. Pretty much every department on the series does amazing work camera, sound, make up, props and costumes.
But if that’s the bar we measure exceptional by, everything would be the same. A giant extravaganza with little budget constraints. That’s not the reality most of us live in.
Well, what if you need an exceptional film. Surely your criteria, unless you’re producing a costume drama isn’t going to make sure it has outfits as awesome as Cerci Lannister’s. Also your budget is likely a little south of 10 million an episode.
At Fluid Films, we believe exceptional production is production that focuses on using our creativity to deliver the best possible content for the stated goal of the client. Doing our best possible work to achieve the result the client wants on a big budget job or a small budget job. That means thinking about the production’s goals, the budget and the creative holistically.
Something we hear a lot in production is that it can’t be done on x budget. “Good luck getting that produced for x dollars.” An exceptional producer doesn’t manufacture money to make it happen for x dollars. An exceptional producer flips the job on it’s head and see’s what can be done x dollars and see if this will solve the clients problem. Creative solutions to creative problems is what seperates the exceptional production company from the pack. Producing exceptional is not about about spending more money on a TV show than anyone else in history. Exceptional producing is about making every penny shine.